1. What should you be doing right now?
Likely going to bed, I said I would about 15 minutes ago...
2. Is there any particular reason you do these interviews?
Because they take time, it's something to put on my blog, and it gives me a chance to look at myself objectively in certain areas.
3. Do you like someone?
Yes, I do. I haven't seen her in months now, but I'm hoping to change that in a few weeks. I have no idea where it's going, but I can hope that it will lead to something, right?
4. Do they like you back?
They say they do, and I have no reason do doubt it in any way. I guess the only way to know for sure is to actually see her again.
5. Are you angry at someone?
I'm really trying not to be, because I know it's not going to help at all. And yet I just feel wronged in a way, and as much as that feels wrong and stupid, it's just how I'm feeling. I'm sorry if I've hurt anyone, because that's the least of my intentions, but something else is driving this car right now.
6. Are they angry at you?
I honestly couldn't tell you. They might be now, but I don't think they were mad first. I really wish I knew.
7. What's bugging you right now?
So many things. Mainly the shows taking over my life, and Christmas in general. I'm such a scrooge, but I honestly don't want to think about Christmas right now.
8. Would you change who you are if it would make someone accept you?
Not so much accept as much as just return. I would change anything to go back to the way things were.
9. What are you longing for the most?
Probably money, but also sleep and understanding.
10. What are you apprehensive about?
Asking my parents if I can fly to Vancouver alone to meet someone they don't know.
11. First thing on your left:
Rosco Gel swatch
12. First thing on your right:
Paperwork for college applications
13. One thing in your pocket:
Mini slotted screwdriver (fixing twist-lock plug)
14. Something flammable near you:
Box of 250 matches! Yay for flammable photography!
15. Last thing you had to drink:
Koala Springs pop
16. Last time you were outside:
About 2 hours ago, bringing laminate flooring inside
17. How many tabs/windows open in your browser?
11 tabs lol...maybe I should close a few
18. How many friends online?
19. How many texts today?
None :(
20. Last e-mail?
Right now, a Facebook message notification from Graeme, talking about what to get Witness secret santas...guess I should get working on that
How Many:
21: Facebook Friends?
317! W00t!
22: MSN Contacts?
Hahaha, 15
23: Cell Phone Contacts?
41, but 204 in my iPod
24: How many songs on your iPod/MP3?
25: Texts in your inbox?
45 (default cleanup level)
26: E-mails in your inbox?
6711 lol, mostly from Facebook
27: Unread e-mails?
Zippo, I read them all
28: Voicemails?
None, I don't use the phone much at all
29: MSN Conversations going on right now?
Just the one with my main man Alex
30: Hours have you been awake?
14...that's about 4 too long at the moment
31. If you could have one thing right now what would it be?
Either a text message, a plane ticket, or a bag of Swedish Berries
32. One song that's stuck in your head
Haha, "Danny Boy" for some reason
33. Last thing you bought?
"Every Day is Exactly the Same" - NIN
34. What are you going to do tomorrow?
Attempt to sleep until around 7:30, get up, shower, go to classes, get the theatre ready to go in 3 hours, run shows, come home, complain about my life, sleep.
35. What time is it?
Exactly midnight. Definitely time for sleep...
36. If you knew you were going to die in exactly 24 hours, what would you do?
Well I wouldn't sleep, that's for sure! I'd do everything I could to make sure the shows still run smoothly, sort out all my differences, consider booking a flight to say goodbye (4 of my last hours well spent? I would hope so...) and just generally allow myself to leave well.
37. Why don't you do these things now?
Well, explanations then:
Shows: well, the only reason I'd have to work on it is because I wouldn't be there.
Differences: Can I just say I'm doing everything I can already?
Flight: In progress, just not in such a rushed manner
Leave well: Isn't that what we all want?
38. If you could change one thing in your life right now, what would it be?
Oh wow, um, a toss up between two things. Either the distance between us so I wouldn't have to do the whole LDR thing and worry about booking flights, or to resolve whatever is going on between my friend and I, or at least to understand why it's ending so abruptly.
39. One wish for everyone in the world
That everyone would be able to see the long term consequences (both positive and negative) of their actions, before they make those decisions.
40. One picture that you find very meaningful/special/beautiful
I have a few (don't take that the wrong way), but the last one that really 'spoke' to me was on Post Secret:
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Here we go again...
written by
Canadian Scouter
10:45 p.m.
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