Tuesday, January 27, 2009


So I was writing up my speech on why grade 9's should take tech. And to be honest, it felt like half the stuff was just propaganda. Haha, maybe it was?

You can learn to do it all!


Today was really, really great. I absolutely insist that we do it again soon, and I'm more than willing to donate my mattresses to the cause! Hanging out with you two was very excellent, I'm quite looking forward to tomorrow...and the next day...and the many rehearsals and performances after that lol.

Sorry, I hope I didn't seem too pushy with what I said yesterday, but honestly, I think that you need to do what you've told yourself you will (in your good time). Sometime soon we need to have another Starbucks afternoon, ok?

I miss you so much. Did you know that there is a month and 26 days left until March 23rd? Well now you do, and I can't wait for that day (or any day yet to be determined around that time). It's been way too long (5 months 24 days actually), and I don't want to keep going on like this, wondering how long I'll have to wait before I can know and feel it. I guess the things we want the most demand the greatest patience?

Maybe it's because we watched 3 action movies today, but I started to think that everything I said (over MSN at that) sounded deep and intense.

Blah blah blah metaphors about building things up, and the difficulties involved blah blah blah how eventually they all end up falling down anyways blah blah

you have to keep building these things until one of them can stand on it's own.
Oooh, epic!
At least, in my head it was...

Ok, either I'm suddenly really tired, or..I don't even know what. I just suddenly felt like crying? Odd.

Tomorrow will be a good day I think. Perhaps once I finish replying I'll go to bed. That or I could watch another episode of House...can you guess which one?

And of course, I'm obliged to post this. Have at 'er
(Feel free to write more than just the usual point form, because short answer, long answer, and even essay responses are always enjoyed...)

1. The love of my life.
2. Where you and I met.
3. Take a stab at my middle name.
4. How long you've known me?
5. The last time that we saw each other.
6. Would I ever go sky diving?
7. Your first impression of me upon meeting me/seeing me.
8. Am I funny?
9. My favorite type of music.
10. Can I sing?
11. The best feature about me.
12. What do I want to do more than anything?
13. What is one thing that you think I should do?
14. Do I have any special talents? If so, what are they?
15. Would you call me preppy, average, sporty, punk, hippie, glam, nerdy, snobby, or something else?
16. Have you ever hugged me?
17. My favorite food.
18. Have you ever had a crush on me?
19. If there was one good nickname for me, it would be.
20. Your favorite memory of me.
21. If you and I were stranded on a desert island, what would I would bring?
22. Do I believe in God?
23. Who is my best friend?
24. Will you re-post this so I can fill this out for you?


Dreamer said...

1. Jenny, she seems to make you really happy. And tech, hehe
2. We met in my tech class last year. It was really random because then you were in my math and social class! Then we had a fire drill and it was BAM insta-friend!!
3. Hmm, this is something I do not know sadly....I will find out one day....
4. About a year. Though it seems like much longer.
5. Hmm, lets see, I think it was 8 hours ago, pretty much exactly, as I am writing this. In the theatre after a day of Grade Nine Tour set up/Dress Rehearsal. I will see you again in about 9 hours and 19 minutes, when we have to be there stupidly early for the grade nine tours. Do I get bonus points for going above and beyond the question?
6.Yes, in fact you would. But it would have to be night time, and I HAVE to be there, otherwise it doesn't count, go it?
7. I believe it was, "Hey, he's in my math class!!" It was quite exciting! Then it was, "Wow, he knows a lot about tech"
8. Yes, especially after loads of candy, or when you have black fabric, and try and keep it from me by putting it on the scaffolding, which, by the way, will no longer work, because I went up there today and was NOT scared and even stood up! So HA! you must find a new place now!
9.All kinds, but probably something you can program a light show to. And Everyday by Rascal Flatts
10. Yes, in very high notes which I can not even reach!
11. The fact that you're always willing to listen to me and help me with all my problems, even though they probably get quite annoying and seem pointless, but thats okay. That and the fact that you see me as such a great friend and trust me with lots. That makes me really happy.
12. To have the money for a plane ticket.
13. Have a movie marathon every month. They'll all be themed and will be the greates thing in the world. I think we should do one in February with the Awesome Six and watch 21, Itailian Job, and Perfect Score (Those are alphabitized..) and it will be super intense! Then the next month, GMG can do like Matrix or something, and then the next month more Awesome Six, and so on and so on. You get the picture.
14. Umm, basically knowing EVERYTHING about tech! Which, by the way, I still think you should teach me lots and lots, because, even though I pulled off the pepperoni, I ate Pepperoni Pizza because you did not say in your rules that I could not do this, meaning I did not fail my challenge and you now have to complete yours. Wow, run on sentence much? So I'm going to fail English :P
15. Techie. No explaination needed.
16. Yes, yes I have. Though I agree, it's a hug drought. It will end one day! Virtual Hug! *hug*
17. Probably Pepperoni Pizza becasue I hate it.
18. Well, in fact I have. Last year, twice actually. I think thats possible.
20. The fire drill, or going to Costco yesterday. That was lots of fun! "So we're going for a sugar high today!" Haha. Very good times. What do they expect from 3 teenagers with a costco card? Hehe.
21.Gaff Tape. Then we would build Hammocks (is that how you spell it?) and tents, and find someway to find food with it, and make fire, and build a boat, and a fire, becasue you can use gaff tape for everything! Then again, knowing us, we would probably try and pick up EVERY grain of sand with it just to see what underneath.
22. Yes, I think you are a firm believer in God.
23. Hmm, Graeme, Me, Alex I would say are your 'best friends'. Then you have like your 'Next Best Friends' like Lauren, Sarah and Brian. Then the 'next next best friends' and so on and so on. Again, you get the picture.
24. Well actually, you filled this out for me first, meaning I've already posted it. But, since I did this one, does that mean I have to post it AGAIN? I never understood that. Is it just a continuous circle? Do I get the same responses everytime? Or would you have to make up new answers everytime? Because that would be hard. And pretty pointless. But you would probably get a lot of really cool and different answers. Like "The love of my life", well you in fact love to watch the giant giraffe that is currently squeezed into your mini fridge. sometimes you allow him to come out for a walk, but you're afraid that if the neighbors see him they'll call animal control and send back to Antartica because he's really a penguine named Frederick in a giraffe suit. How else would you did you expect him to fit into the mini fridge? That's how he's surviving anyway. And you thought I was being cruel to the giraffe. Hmm, maybe I should go back and do this WHOLE thing over agian! Okay let's see question 2 "Where you and I met" Well...........Okay, another day....

Paragraph enough for you? =]
Hope you enjoyed this, because I'll be tired tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

1. Jenny<3 haha you two are so cute together
2. Sitting on the aft deck waiting to go down an get our bunk numbers
3. I don't know.. Johnathan ? haha
4. I am guessing baised on your count down on how long it has been since you have seen Jenny we have known eachother for exactly 6 months and a day :) yay math
5. 5 months and 30 days ago haha yay for you doing the math :P
6. umm i don't know, maybe? I'd push you outta the plain haha
7. I thought you were going to be really quite, which you were... but you turned out to be quite amazing <3
8. yes:)
9. I made the mistake on the way home of looking through your ipod, you like everything! a lot of show tunes, and classical :) which i love about you
10. during mug up you sure can belt it out haha
11. the way you care for people that you have only known for a day... you don't care what others think about people.. you go baised on what you feel (or so it seemed)
12. to see me agian... haha just kidding. To see Jenny<3
13. get on a plane -- no matter the cost (although it plays a huge factor) but you need to follow your heart. just do it.. jump in with both feet, it could turn out to be the best/worst thing you ever do... but at least you did it and you did it right.
14. you can make a meeean double turks head
15. I would call you Graham... a unique blend of everything mixed in with a tad of wonderful hahha
16. oh my god yes! you are the worlds most amazing hugger ever! you were holding out on me till the last second on the boat you little butt headdd
17. hmmm London Fog <3
18. Nope sorry bud <3
19. hmmm shutter ... haha i have no idea why it just came to mind
20. when we were all mustered in the bow watching the whale pod for an hour in pure silence, except for your camera clicking and the whales breathing... probally on of the most breathtaking moments of my life..
21. and ipod and a knife. haha
22. yes
23. I do not know
24. I don't have a blog sso you better just send me a message on fb with your answers<3 hahahah

loveee you darling