Oh dear, I am so very excited!
16GB of flash memory beneath a 3.5 inch glass touch screen. All for me!
I just love getting new gadgets :)
So right now I'm transferring 1493 songs over, then I'll send over my pictures, then get some apps, check for updates, and listen to some music!
Monday, July 14, 2008
iPod 001
Alright, here we go! First post from my new iPod Touch! The little keyboard takes a bit of getting used to, but I'm sure it'll improve soon. I really don't think there are words to describe to you how happy this makes me! Sure, I'll have to figure out some way to get this online, but I'll work something out.
Listening to my music on shuffle, slowly falling deeper into sleep. Time to go check what song I'm listening to...
Awesome, Da Vinci code soundtrack. Too bad I don't know Latin...
What an amazing little device this is. I can't wait to try out all the wi-fi apps sometime. That and I want some way to sync with all ym Google account stuff (contacts, calendar, reader, etc).
So basically, I love this little iPod Touch! It makes my life complete!
Now for something a little different. I saw someone post on a wall something along the lines of "hey, did you ever post those pictures from that concert?".
Now, I have nothing wrong with this (I do it enough myself), I'm just making an observation. If that person wanted to see those pictures, they likely have already looked for them. So why ask if they've been posted if it's obvious that they haven't? Quite simply, I think it's because it sounds nicer than just saying, "why haven't you posted the picture from the concert?"/ That's my best guess anyways.
Whee!!! This is actually so much fun!!
Hope everyone is doing well, and feel free to text me from time to time (though I will be doing tech for a group for a good chunk of tomorrow (Tuesday) and all of Wednesday). Have a great night/day depending on when you read this...
Ok, it is now 1AM, and I can't sleep at all... This kind of sucks. Time for more music I guess..
written by
Canadian Scouter
12:12 p.m.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
So once again I am sitting on the train. This time there is no one with me, but I don't really mind. It's been an interesting day overall. Work is done, which is a big relief. I also won a TV in a random draw, so that's nice too. On the other hand, things haven't been particularly swell lately in the lives of a few people I know. Just remember that I'm always thinking and praying about you. I have a week left, so we'll need to hang out. And to V, I'm sorry, but it needed to be said sometime...
written by
Canadian Scouter
11:20 p.m.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
You never know
There are so many variables in this world, it becomes impossible for me to just guess at what you're talking about. Sure, we share a thought process that is creepily similar, but please don't assume that I know exactly what you're thinking. If I'm prompting you to expand, please do, because I don't know everything! (But if you just don't want to talk about it, you can say that too...)
Today was a pretty average day. Up at 9, upload pictures, eat breakfast, leave for work at 11, arrive, start work at 12, be an usher till 4:30, be a teenager, walk out the door, get food, go find random friend on midway, leave them, go attempt to find M around coke stage, wait in "the getaway", talk, walk, bye, flash work pass, staff room, check bags, go to infield, assigned places, stand, usher, get bitched at, deal with annoyed people, runny nose, bet on chucks, kick people out, no overtime, hand in uniform, get bags, walk to train, ride train, eavesdrop on drunk people, get ride home, fix internet, sign in, MSN, text, blog, RSS, sleep.
written by
Canadian Scouter
11:50 p.m.
Here I am, sitting in "the getaway", listening to some crazy loud music from a fashion show that I have no desire to watch, waiting for M to find me. My break is drawing to a close soon, then it's back to work...
You've received a Message from a TELUS phone. For more information on TELUS Mobility's Picture or Video Messaging, visit If you don't hear or see the file, download the Quick Time player. | Vous avez reçu un Message d'un téléphone TELUS. Pour obtenir plus d'information sur la messagerie photo ou vidéo de TELUS, allez à Si vous ne voyez ni n'entendez le fichier, veuillez télécharger QuickTime. |
written by
Canadian Scouter
11:20 p.m.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
The final twist
I'm lying in bed, on my stomach, with my hand right up against my heart. It is such a cool feeling to touch that thing that is so very central to my life. Every time it moves, my life keeps on going. When it gives up, everything is over. When will it stop pumping? I have a say in that too you know... Roll credits, show's over, thanks for watching. Goodnight. <3
You've received a Message from a TELUS phone. For more information on TELUS Mobility's Picture or Video Messaging, visit If you don't hear or see the file, download the Quick Time player. | Vous avez reçu un Message d'un téléphone TELUS. Pour obtenir plus d'information sur la messagerie photo ou vidéo de TELUS, allez à Si vous ne voyez ni n'entendez le fichier, veuillez télécharger QuickTime. |
written by
Canadian Scouter
10:57 p.m.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
I'm really starting to think that I am going insane. Not the funny insane, but seriously off the deep end. All you have to do is start talking to me about certain things, and I could go on for hours about this and that, none of it making sense. Thankfully a few people (well, one) have told me to shut up, and it certainly helped.
Reasons for my being insane:
- I work at the Calgary Stamede. (That alone would drive anyone to insanity).
- I have horrific dreams in which I plot out every detail of the demise of people I know and love.
- I look at situations/places that I'm in and think about how I could kill myself in that moment.
- I have filled a notebook with letters to all kinds of different people, all complaining about my life, none of which will be sent.
- I have become an insomniac.
- I am obsessive about things beyond my control.
- I stalk Facebook profiles of people I never talk to.
- I have 97 RSS subscriptions, and read every single one faithfully.
- This is my 160th post.
- A single text message can make my day.
- I plot complex methods of revealing simple things.
- I find ways to say things in the strangest ways.
- I make sure that every single thing I say has multiple meanings.
- I have taken 8384 pictures.
- My room is as dark as dark as I can make it.
written by
Canadian Scouter
11:17 p.m.
Sunday, July 6, 2008
.: 7 :.
Was on the midway a few days ago, and this is one of the many pictures I snapped. One little tip, if you're shooting at night, take as many pictures as you can, because your camera will want to use longer shutter speeds, and your pictures will get blurry faster. So the more you take, the better your chances of getting a good shot.
written by
Canadian Scouter
11:46 p.m.
It's actually pretty hot out these days...
Oh, so I guess you read this after's Finland?
Hey, sorry if I've been a bit mopey and annoying lately. I hope I'm not being strange or anything, so please let me know if I'm doing something to bother you. All those things we said we would do, whether this year or the next, I am totally and completely committed to. We're going to fly and ride. Lockers? Sure, I'd love it, but I really don't care. The curse? :P I think we can overcome that one.
But yeah, let me know if I'm just being self-centered or whiny or annoying. I'd hate it, so let me know.
For a while, I was doing really well I think. I threw away all the old emotions and feelings, and stared fresh. The past was behind me, and I accepted the forthcoming future. Everything was great, I was enjoying myself, and it felt like we were right back where we started. Now don't get me wrong, I think we're still there, and I'm still enjoying every moment of it. Don't ever forget that.
The only thing that weighs me down are those feelings that keep crawling back, trying to take control of my life again. I highly doubt that there will be a time when I've completely forgotten, but I don't want that to be a burden either.
Let me put it to you this way. When you're around, the world is a beautiful place. How about another round of applause for enduring friendship :)
You still read my blog, I know it. Thanks, even if most posts now are a little...different?
Now, I don't know if you heard this or not, but apparently the black ball was never neutered. You have a Swiss Army or the equivalent, right?
While you're at it, you could take care of the other Black one too!
I am completely and utterly exhausted. Standing for hours on end, directing people to their seats, the bathrooms, more seats, ATMs, food, entertainment...
Why I signed up for this, I'll never know. But as long as I make some money, I'll be happy.
Hope you're all having great summers!
written by
Canadian Scouter
10:03 p.m.
Friday, July 4, 2008
.: Slight Delay :.
The posting of pictures will be delayed for a while, as I don't have a lot of opportunity to take pictures while on the job. Hopefully I'll get a few up though.
written by
Canadian Scouter
10:09 a.m.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
.: 6 :.
So over the summer, I've decided to learn how to play the Forrest Gump Suite on piano. Every day I practice for about an hour when no one is online, or when I'm really bored. So today's picture is just a quick snapshot of that practice session.
-Vertical orientation
-Ambient light only
-Blue tint over b/w, desaturated for 'steel' look
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
it's good to just say the things you mean directly. It makes such a difference.
written by
Canadian Scouter
11:40 p.m.
.: 5 :.
This is a beautiful gift I recieved today from the most amazing science teacher in the world. She is retiring now, and giving away parts of her extensive collection of minerals, gems, fossils, books, videos, skeletons, pickled name it. If you don't know by now who I'm talking about, you never had her as a teacher.
It is a piece of ammolite in the form of a fossil. I won't go into a ton of detail about it, but the wikipedia article has quite a fair bit of info. One other tidbit would be that it is the official gemstone of Alberta. If I ever sold it (which I won't be), she says it would probably fetch $300-$400.
Lighting stuff:
Three 60W incandescent bulbs, unfiltered
Exposure: 1/60s
Aperture: f/5.0
Focal: 37.00mm
Placed on wire platform, foam protection, dark blue background cloth, one foam wrapped rock propping it up.
The Notebook
Well, I really don't know what to say. A truly amazing video that has left me with more than enough questions about life. The scariest part was all the parallels that I could draw to my own life, a sign of a very great movie.
Basically, the single most important idea behind the movie (in my opinion), is never giving up. Noah fought right to the end to get Allie back. It wasn't a question for him, he knew that he loved her, and did whatever he could to get her back. He never once forgot who he loved, and who he was trying to get back. Everything he did in his life, he did for Allie.
And that makes me ask the question; is that what I should have done? Is that what I should do? Is it better to fight for what you want more than anything in the world, or to let it slip away easily to avoid more pain?
Or am I happy to spend the rest of my life where I am right now?
That's why I didn't sleep last night.
written by
Canadian Scouter
11:09 a.m.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
What to do
I am very bored, and have made a few little mistakes that are bugging me.
I really don't want to be outside...I want to be inside, talking to my friends. But what do I do? I say I'm leaving, and then I leave, and then find out I didn't need to. And when I come back, what do I find?
Everyone is gone.
And I was hoping to watch "The Notebook" tonight. But lucky me, none of the video stores I looked at had it. So now it's either wait in anticipation, or watch a crappy version off of YouTube. Personally, I'd rather watch it in the original quailty, but I doubt I'll be able to wait that long. SO.
To the converter...
written by
Canadian Scouter
10:01 p.m.
.: 4 :.
The first two of these pictures (matches) were taken entirely with ambient/natural light. We lost power for about half an hour, and I didn't feel like sitting upstairs doing nothing. So, I took pictures of matches.
Number one was a long exposure showing the entire progression of the match being lit. At the beginning of the frame, it is still un-lit, then when the shutter opens, I ripped the box across the match (the match needed to stay in the same place), and let it burn for the rest of the exposure.
Number two was a shorter exposure, but still about 4 seconds.
And then the last one was with power again. All I did was turn on my strobe light, and use a little LED light to draw patterns in the dark. Basically, when there is no light, the camera doesn't pick anything up, meaning the exposure would be totally black. But with little flashes of light from the strobe, you get my hand frozen in a few places. And since I do this a few times, you see it in many places. It's actually quite fun to draw in the dark, as you have to wait until the end of the exposure to see what you drew.