I'm starting to understand what's causing this! I went over the last posts in all the blogs I watch (8 in total), and the ones that actually update are all frowny faced. No happiness, just mixed up feelings, emotions, and sadness. The other 5 haven't been updated for months...
So cheer up people!
Take a look at some of these articles:
Google Search
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
This sucks :(
Every once in a while, you make a mistake that is bigger, fatter, more awful than the other ones you always make. It stands out, likely because it's not just you who's hurt, but other people as well. Then it just hurts, like a chunk of ice that's been surgically implanted into your heart by a butcher with a dull knife.
The thing is, mistakes are like writing with pen: it's done, you can't edit it, it's done, the damage has been made. You might be able to cover it up by scribbling, or using some white out, but the mistake is still there, you're just covering it up now.
I'm done apologizing for my post, it's done. I said things that need to stay private, and I know I've betrayed some trust. I wouldn't expect people to feel too happy about their lives being exhibitioned on my blog. For that reason I'm doing something I didn't want to do, and that is to delete the post. It's been read, and I'm thinking it doesn't need to be read anymore. If you want to read what it said, too bad, it's gone. I'm not bringing it back.
However, I am going to publicly apologize and make a public promise:
To the people who's trust I broke, privacy I opened, lives I shared, and secrets I talked about, it was wrong of me, I can understand why it's not so easy to talk to me the same way. I made some big assumptions (big no no), said harsh things (big no no), and shared parts of your lives that should have been kept behind the thin veil of cyberspace (big no no). Overall, I totally bombed post number 79. At the time it was about me being concerned for my friends. Now it's more trying to back pedal enough to minimize the damage. My most sincere, humble, honest, and deep apologies go out to you. If you're harbouring some deep anger at me, at least let me know you hate me so I can stop worrying. And there's no need to leave a comment clarifying your comments, it was my problem, you needn't apologize for it.
As for the promise, from right now, (in fact, from pretty much the beginning of time, with this as the exception), I will not EVER discuss personal life matters with anyone, publicly or privately. For example:
I will not send someone a copy, excerpt, or summary of a response of yours to someone who is not involved in the situation, and not without your permission.
This blog will contain only things that relate to me, my head, my heard, etc. I'm not going to talk about other people's lives, because they have their own blogs to do that in. So this is MY blog for a reason.
To the 3 people who have been hurt (and I know it hurt, it's happened to me), please talk to me, I want to make things right. I've seen the errors in my ways, and as the most a fallable human can do, I'm going to do my best to correct it. I have faith that my friends will understand where I'm coming from. Can't wait to talk to you three.
Oh, and all you who aren't involved, umm, yeah. Hi!
Emotions, v2
After editing, this is the final version of the emotions post:
"If I ever design a roller coaster, that is what it will be called."
Anyways, I'm really starting to realize how stupid that last post was, so for 1 2 and 3, I hope you'll forgive me, it wasn't my place to write that on my blog, nor should I really get involved. Once again, it really should be ignored, because I wasn't in the greatest mood at the time either.
So Emotions is just a roller coaster, not a description or a treatment.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Friday, January 18, 2008
Haha, not a chance. But I did do the unit review for Systems of Equations (page 52) for an hour, and now I'm moving on to the next unit. I'm going to try to do all 4 units before the midterm today, then the other 4 (I'm not doing Finance) tomorrow.
(Everyone besides A, you can ignore this :P)
written by
Canadian Scouter
12:16 p.m.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
I don't do this often, but...
Well, I don't really like posting songs, because they're not really mine to share, and they aren't my own words. Either way, it's a really good song that I haven't heard in a long time (thank goodness for shuffle :P )
Song Link
And to make life easier, the lyrics:
Is it any wonder
That she would feel less than real
When she reveals what is clearer
In her mirror
Take a look around her
Magazines, glamour queens
Waist-line dreams in her diary
So inspiring
Nobody told her that little girls
Don't have to have the softest curls for love
So whatever's left inside her
Is gonna smile wider, shine brighter
Until she gets pulled under
Is it any wonder?
Is it any wonder
That he's obsessed with what is best
And nothing less... he's a hero
With six zeros
Take a look around him
His wallet size and what he drives
Will symbolise how he's made it
How they'll grade it
Nobody told him that little boys
Don't have to have the fastest toys to win
So whatever's left inside him
Is gonna keep on tryin' to keep on buyin'
Until he gets pulled under
Is it any wonder?
Will somebody tell her there's a love that can't be glamourized
Tell him there's a hope that won't be downsized
Someone tell them that the billboards lie
All the time
Cos whatever's left inside her
Is gonna smile wider
And whatever's left inside him
Is gonna keep on tryin'
Until they get pulled under
Is it any wonder
Relationships, and dates
You know, sometimes I feel really feel like a hypocrite. In particular, I give out lots of advice to people, and nearly all of it is about relationships. The thing is, I’ve never actually been able to say that “I have a girlfriend”. Even more so, I don’t think there’s really ever been a time when I’ve made it past being just friends with someone.
One thing that I like to think about to comfort myself in this area is, well, not everyone is in a relationship. The thing is, the people who are make it very obvious that they are, and the people who aren’t don’t really have a way or need to show it. So when you look around you’ll notice the people in a relationship easier than you would notice people who are not. That’s what it’s like for me anyways.
Now the problem is, people come to me for advice. Actually, problem isn’t the right word, because (a), I love to help people, and (b) I don’t mind at all (so don’t worry about asking, really). What MY problem is, is that I haven’t been through all the things that other people have, and yet I give out advice based on what I’ve seen, heard, and guessed. An example for you (directly at A, and you’ll know who you are), is that when I suggested that you just let it all out and tell them exactly how you were feeling, I only said that because I had tried it once, and it worked for that one person. But then after I was done talking with you, I realized that maybe that isn’t the way to go. Maybe it’s better to just say, “Hey, I really like you, would you like to go out?” But you see, with my limited experience in this area, and my seeming knowledge of the topic, you felt like I knew what I was talking about, and took my advice and ran with it. And so what if I’m wrong? What if girls hate it when a guy is completely open with them? What if they hate such blatant openness? Maybe they like it to seem casual yet heartfelt, so that at least one person can pretend to be comfortable with the situation. It’s just awful to think that you might have made a mistake that could turn out to really hurt a great friend of yours. So for both of our sakes, I hope she’s good with that method. (And a side note, I’m determined to respect you for your decision not to tell me who it is).
V, you’ve been the one who I’ve given the most advice to, and well, I’m pretty happy with that advice. I’m working on something to say to your depressed friend right now, because I know he needs something. I’ll be sending you an e-mail soon.
M, well, you’ve been a great inspiration to me. Thanks for the things we went through, it’s really defined who I am. I’m so lucky to have you (and everyone else here too BTW) as a friend.
One other reminder, I don’t share conversations. If you say something, it stays on my computer, but I won’t share (well, I might share what I wrote, but never anything you said). That’s just something that people shouldn’t have to worry about.
IHM, aka, A, well, I haven’t really talked to you in a long time. We should go caching sometime soon ok?
Now, as for dates:
A: Starbucks after Math
V: Starbucks, but when?
M: When can we go see National Treasure???
IHM: I just wish it would warm up L. When it does, I’ve got a few to place
C: (do you actually read this?) PICTURES! Just tell me when
J?: We’re having lunch with the Frase on the 24th, right? Yeah, see you then
Anyone else?
Well just remind me if I’ve forgotten something. I just might. Who knows.
Peace people.
Oh, wait
Ampersand Productions
It’s official!
There’s no website, my e-mail’s a dead end, but it’s official!
And one more note, if you have something to say to me, and time is of the essence, send me an e-mail. I check it at least 50 times a day, often more, and I don’t like having to go all the way to my facebook inbox or wall just to respond. E-mail’s the best for me. And texts? Let’s not even go there…
Ok, now it’s goodbye.
Good night
(PS: This is post 75!!!)
Monday, January 14, 2008
Hey you!
Well it's been a while folks, sorry for the delay!
Anyways, this is something I've meant to talk about since I got back from Pheonix. Oh well, here goes.
We've got a few stereotypes about 'Americans'. Here's one: Americans are fat.
Hmmm, well, maybe it's a poor survey, but I didn't see any more 'fat' people in the states than I see here in Canada.
Grrrr, I had so much more to say!
I'm just not ready for this yet.
Anyways, thanks for reading, and my new website is almost ready!
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Shuffled Thoughts
Just pointing out the little Javascript piece on the right sidebar, it will have a different quotation/thought every time you view the page, with a database of 24 quotations. I add a few every once in a while, so pay attention, and read them!
written by
Canadian Scouter
10:20 p.m.
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Yes, I added an ad to my blog, but for a good reason!
It is there to pay tribute to the most amazing website EVER! Stock.xchng
Oh, and feel free (or obligated) to look at my pictures.