Thursday, October 18, 2007

Why hate love?

For the people who have read all my entries, that should be making sense right about now... :P

I hoped that someday it would happen, and I think it finally has. It's been my most common topic, probably because it is what I am looking for the most right now. I just have a compass needle inside me that's always pointing me in that direction. Now I pray it will have all payed off.

Ok, so maybe I use this example too much, but it just goes to show how simply it can be stated. Now medically, maybe that's what I'm feeling, but medical descriptions can only go so far. It's so much more than what you can just write out in words. Love is something you have to experience to know. That's why my only thoughts are on her. But now I need to take the next step. Question is, what is the next step, and how do you get your feet to move?