Friday, October 19, 2007

Music.....Part 1

Wheeee! Funky graphic, eh?

How often do you listen to music in a day?
The answer is probably more than you think. And how much does that music do for us? Well, let me give you an example. (Click icon to watch video example)
So as you can see, music has quite a large role in film. If you ever watch a film without the sound, you will again see just how much it subtracts from the film.

Music can also evoke amazing emotion in us. Open up your music player or turn on your MP3. Find your overall favourite song. What does that say about you?
For me, I have a few, but the one thing they all have similar is that they are instrumental. I like to think that the reason I like it so much is that there are no words, and I'm able to think about something other than what the words would normally want me to think.

Blogging about something as complex as music is no easy feat. It's just so vast and amazing. Instead, I think I'll let my examples do the talking. My next example is a song for you to listen to.I don't really know what else to say right now. It's taken 1 full day to write this simple entry, and I think that just reinforces just how amazing it is. Hopefully you found something a little deeper between these lines, because I certainly didn't write anything too profound. :(

Stay tuned for an entry that will make a lot more sense sometime soon...

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