Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Life, as usual, is stupidly busy. When do we get some time to ourselves? I can't wait for the weekend, so I can have a bit of time to myself (then again, I'll be at band camp, and there's not a lot of free time booked.

If you could spend one year in perfect happiness, but afterward would remember nothing of the experience, would you do so? If not, why not?

Well, as questions usually do, this question leads to another question. What is perfect happiness? And how could we achieve this? I'm sure that everyone has their own definition of happiness, but may not exactly know what that is. I for one, really don't know what perfect happiness is. I guess it could be life without problems or obstacles, but then life becomes dull. Truly, how enjoyable would life be if we didn't encounter a stumbling block here and there?

Back to the question, I think I would take up that experience, because the idea of happiness is appealing to me (as I'm sure it would be to anyone). But to not remember any of it would be a bit of a let down, especially if you knew that you would forget all of it at the end.

And now for a little philosophical thought. When you own a piece of land, do you own it all the way down to the centre of the earth? If so, that would mean that everyone is neighbours with everyone else in the world, and that we all have oceanside lots!

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