I was reminded today of my love for a certain gemstone. The Tigers Eye. For quite a while when I was in grade 3 or around there, I was determined to become a geologist. Therefore, I began collecting rocks. Those little stands that have boxes of gems in a souvenir store were a favourite of mine. One such gem was the Tigers eye. As you can see from the image to the right, it's a very pretty gem, with a gold/bronze colour (although it can be found in many colours). I can still remember bringing in a piece of tigers eye to school, and my well informed teacher telling me that tigers eye is said to bring luck when you squeeze it. That just totally got me going. Of all the gems in my collection, the tigers eye was the prize of it. Over time, I realized that geology wasn't really my passion, so I kind of just let the rocks fall. I still have my tigers eye though. And now it's come back to me. And I'm thinking, well, tiger's eye is such a descriptive name. Tiger's eye productions? Looked it up, and it's taken. But what about a twist? Tygers eye productions? So now I have to decide whether to give up Canadian Scouter productions for Tyger's eye productions, or to stick with what I've got. That's the dilemma I'm in. Please let me know what you think of the name.
Question time:
If a new medicine were developed that would cure arthritis, but cause a fatal reaction in 1 percent of those who took it, would you want it to be released to the public?
That's certainly a question of morals. I am going to take the standpoint that if it causes a reaction, there must be a reason, so I say find that reason, and then only let people who won't be affected take it - make it a prescribed medication. For example, if one percent of people with arthritis had a natural deficiency of a chemical in their blood, to the point that it would kill them to take the medication, then require a blood test before prescribing the medication to anyone.
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