Sunday, March 25, 2007

I've never really liked the use of the word 'blog'. Nowadays, a blog is a crazy collection of ranting and ravings on useless and generally boring things. And here I am writing one of my own. Funny, isn't it? Since you're reading this, you must have heard about this page, and that was probably solicited by myself. I mean, who in their right mind would want to send a link to the ravings of some guy to another person? Doesn't make too much sense to me, but you never know. I'm feeling my train of thought just bouncing aimlessly right now, so I'm going to set it back on track. I'm going to talk about Geocaching, since it takes up quite a bit of my time right now. Let's see. Well, I found my 100th cache today. That's pretty good. I was hoping to find Solitaire, but that's pretty much a useless thing to attempt with my mind, and I never got a reply from Ibycus. So, I went out on my roller blades and found 'The Grassy Path' by A Danish. I'm not disappointed, but I really would have liked to make such a landmark more significant. I won't complain now though.

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