It's a fact of life that you have to put up with people that you don't particularly enjoy. Everyone knows someone who they could so happily do without. It's only natural to just ooze with hate when that one person walks by you.
My problem is something a whole lot deeper. Those people that I really could do without, could be happy to just plain ignore for the rest of my life.....they think I'm their friend.
Case example (apologies if by some random chance he ends up reading this, and I really mean RANDOM)
Mr. Li
'Known' him since grade 7. Being the nice person that I am, I agree to being his lab partner when no one else will. (Then again, the teacher then pulled me aside and said that she really appreciated it, and proceeded to give me candy...)
And so now he considers me to be his friend.
I don't really have a ton of easily written out examples, but when you have the kid that no one likes, because he's just so dumb, highly overweight, doesn't have a clue, and seems to like you, what do you do?
If I told him to buzz off, that I'm not his friend, what would happen to him?
I'm just too caring to brush people off so coldly.
Now the problem remains, how do I shake this person (and others) off my back? To flat out say "I'm tired of being your friend, you bother me, please leave me alone" will just kill them. So I can't say something like that. But the slow cooker method is even worse. To ignore them just makes more pain.
You have a live chicken.
You are starving.
You can kill it instantly.
You can cook it in a slow cooker.
You can let it live it's entire life, then die.
Either way, it's going to die.
Monday, April 28, 2008
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Schedule changes
From this point on, there will be no core classes, only technical theatre from 9 to 6, with a one hour paid lunch break.
written by
Canadian Scouter
10:34 p.m.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Oh! Canada
You know what was annoying?
People talking (even yelling) during the Canadian anthem. How disrespectful can you get?
Oh well....
More linkage
A new blog of mine for sharing the knowledge of photography I have. Check it out, I think you'll find it somewhat enjoyable!
Sunday, April 20, 2008
It's been a busy weekend. We'll leave it at that.
So these last few weeks have really been heating up in terms of tech for the musical theatre shows, and I predict that they will continue to do so until they're over. Today I finished off the first scene (omigosh) for Legally Blonde, and some rough design for scenes 1-3 in Across the Universe. Some people might say that putting 4-6 hours of your day toward a show on a daily basis is a bit excessive, and maybe it is, but I love it, so I'll continue.
I also would strongly suggest everyone come out and check out the shows, as they are all really amazing (and then you can see my lights and sets!)
Analogy: I was making cookies yesterday. Chocolate chip cookies. And I realized something.
The first ingredient when making the cookies is softened butter. After that, everything else (besides the egg) is a dry ingredient, such as flour, sugar, baking soda, etc.
It is the butter and egg (herein called 'butter') that holds everything together. Without the butter, you wouldn't have cookies. You'd have powder. Put it in the oven, and it'll come out warmer, but nothing resembling a cookie. Without that one ingredient that holds everything together, you would have no cookie.
Application: We should all strive to become the butter when necessary. Don't just always be the baking soda.
Life Example: In English class we have to talk about the questions assigned about a book in a small group every day. And so I'm in a group of 4 people. Problem is, no one's very talkative, and so getting a discussion going is a chore. In that case, I'm the accepted butter, and they're all dry ingredients.
Exception: There's nothing wrong with being flour or baking soda. Because without them you wouldn't have cookies either. The thing is, if there's nothing holding it all together, then all you have are ingredients.
Deep Thought: If we're ingredients for 'cookies', then who's making them?
Deep Thought Comic Relief: And who's the oven?
Saturday, April 5, 2008
M: I pray for your relationship with your family, that it would improve quickly. I also pray for success with M.
A: I pray that your relationship with S will continue to flourish, and that you would have the strength to overcome trials. I also pray for your injury.
K: I pray for your relationships, as I know you are having lots of turmoil. I also pray that your transition between schools is smooth.
V: I pray for you to have wisdom, and that you may find the truth. For that is the greatest thing of all.
Bh: For whatever is going on in your life, I pray that you would find peace in the mess.
Everyone else: I pray that you will find the answers you are looking for. And please talk to me.
Good night
written by
Canadian Scouter
12:37 a.m.
Best buds
I'm on a roll tonight!
Mr. G, or 'A' as you are sometimes referred to, I can't get over how great a friend you are.
Last night when I signed out, I had to archive our MSN conversation. It was the 6th time I'd archived. I think that says a lot about how much we talk.
Even if you sometimes feel that you want to keep something private, or don't want to share at that moment, don't worry about it. Sure I'm curious about your injury, but I know that one day I'll know what happened. Then again, if I don't, I won't care.
There is nothing I would keep from you. I have complete trust in you, and I can always count on you to be an open ear.
Please know that if I somehow say something that upsets you (like the Mexico/cell phone/going out conversation), I never, EVER would do that on purpose. I value our friendship too much to do something like that.
We talked briefly once about being best man. You said I'd be your best man if you ever did get married. Please don't unless you feel it's right. But I do know that you're one guy that I'll always talk to, even when I'm an old geezer, we're still going to go out and have drinks once in a while (or maybe do a time lapse or something stupid like that). Whatever the future holds, at least I know who I'll have beside me.
written by
Canadian Scouter
12:17 a.m.
Friday, April 4, 2008
It feels like forever since we last hung out.
Truth is, I guess I miss you. I miss our great conversations, the inside jokes, the quiet understanding, the random texts. Maybe it's because we don't have a class together anymore, and we're slowly pulling apart.
I sure hope not.
This morning I don't know why, but I had the urge to send you a text. And I did. I don't know if it meant anything to you, if it came at the right moment or not, but either way, don't forget that I'm there for you. I know that you've got lots on your mind, so don't let me get in the way like I have before. Just know that when I see you sign in, I always smile. It's so great to talk to you.
Always friends,
written by
Canadian Scouter
11:45 p.m.
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