I need to say merry christmas to my readers, and since I know many of you by name, I will write my greeting here. I don't know why, I just will.
To Alex (Mingle):
You're the one who reminded me about the fact that Christmas is right around the corner, so you get to go first.
Social has been so fun with you sitting there behind me. Someone to talk to that understands what its like to be a nerd, and is really great with the philosophical talk. I always look forward to being able to chat it up with you about some topic that will make Mr. Kerr shake his head, knowing that we won't stop talking to work on the booklets anytime soon. I think he likes listening though...
Thanks for money towards Starbucks, even though it makes me feel guilty for not giving you anything in return. I got a Venti Strawberries and Blended Cream Frappachino for $4.60, and I will be sure to spend the rest at Starbucks as well.
Merry Christmas, and I'll see you in January!
To Melissa (Dreamer):
11 Pipers Piping!
10 Lords a-Leaping!
9 Ladies Dancing!
8 Maids a-Milking!
7 Swans a-Swimming!
6 Geese a-Laying!
4 Calling Birds!
3 French Hens!
2 Turtle Doves
And a Partridge in a CACTUS!!!
It's been great to have someone to talk to while I'm here in Arizona, and to have someone make my pocket vibrate on the golf course :P
After all we've gone through this term, with all the confusion, all the craziness, the miscommunication, I'm glad thats gone and that we can enjoy the company of one another. Its too bad we've only got a week of Social left, but I guess MSN will fill in the gap. Its so much fun talking with you, and even more so when I can know that somethings on your mind. So never forget that when something goes wrong, whether that be with family, Spencer, other friends, or whatever, I'll be on your side :)
Merry Christmas,
To Victoria (Shadow Stitch):
That is how you spell your username, right? I'm too lazy to look it up :P
You always have a way to bring plenty of confusion to the table, don't you? It certainly keeps me on my toes, as I never know what to expect.
We've already talked lately, but I want to reiterate that I still appreciate you as a friend. There are times when I get too much of a good thing, and might have to ask you to contain your enthusiasm a bit, but that's not saying that a friendship is over. That's just asking for a bit more space. But we'll work that one out later. For now, just have a great Christmas, and let what happens, happen. You can't change the past, as much as you want to, but you can decide what choices you'll make. Make them ones that you won't regret.
And now if any of that made any sense, have a great Christmas, and see you in the new year!
To Aaron (I hate MICROS!):
You didn't think I'd forget about you, did you? You said you read my blog, therefore it is my obligation to write to you. Now hopefully the gun makes it through customs in time for you to open it tomorrow morning, and then you'll be able to use it at the firing range and anywhere on "Blacks" property, if you get my drift...
So yeah, if you could just do a bit of 'renovation' on their house and his face... :P
Ok, maybe not. But its the thought that counts, right?
Merry Christmas,
To Bhavesh (No username :( ):
Hmmm, its been a while since we've talked...
So about our films, we really should get working on something. Hanging obligations was good, and maybe we should get on that, but we'll just have to see what happens in the new year.
On a non business related venture, its great to hang out with you, to talk things out and to come to our conclusion, often through debate, such as the definition of Assasination (in which I won) and the question of how good cultural diversity is for us (which I also won). :P
Anyways, can't wait to do some more editing of WikiChurchill with you on exam break, and I'll see you in the new year!
To Everyone else who I somehow forgot:
For which I am very sorry :(
It's been a great 70 posts, and I'm so glad to have you all here to read them. It's nice to know that these words actually go somewhere, and aren't just lost in the cyber cosmos. I'm so glad I can look at my analytics account an see over 200 views in just over a month. It's just so nice! So keep up the reading, and leave a comment if you want to remind me that you read my blog (I might even have time to write another letter to you).
Merry Christmas one and all, and thanks for reading!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, December 24, 2007
Merry Christmas to YOU
written by
Canadian Scouter
12:00 p.m.
Friday, December 21, 2007
Bon Voyage!
Well folks, Christmas break is upon us, and I am now just about to leave. For Pheonix.
Just in case something terrible happens, I'm on Air Canada flight AC1286. So we leave today, as in, right now we're leaving the house. And we come back on the 30th. I'm sure you can look forward to tons of pictures!!!
PS - if I die, I want a good picture in the obituary, and you can find my universal password in my documents on my home computer. ;)
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Monday, December 17, 2007
Merry Christmas?
Dear Person
(hereinafter called the wishee):
Please accept with no obligation, implied or implicit, our best wishes for an environmentally conscious, socially responsible, low-stress, non-addictive, gender-neutral celebration of the (mid-)winter (solstice) holiday, practiced within the most enjoyable traditions of the religious persuasion of your choice, or secular practices of your choice, with respect for the religious/secular persuasion and/or traditions of others, or their choice not to practice religious or secular traditions at all. We also wish you a fiscally successful, personally fulfilling and medically uncomplicated recognition of the of the generally accepted start of the proceeding calendar year, but not without due respect for the calendars of choice of other cultures whose contributions to society have helped make this/that/your country great (or any proceeding or proceeding calendar years notwithstanding). Not to imply that this/that/your country is necessarily greater than any other country. The preceding wishes are extended without regard to the race, creed, age, physical ability, religious faith or lack thereof, choice of computer platform, or sexual preference of the wishee.
By accepting these greetings you are accepting these terms. This greeting is subject to clarification or withdrawal. It is freely transferable with no alteration to the original greeting. It implies no promise by the wisher to actually implement any of the wishes for herself or himself or itself or others, and is void where prohibited by law and is revocable at the sole discretion of the wisher. This wish is warranted to perform as expected within the usual application of good tidings for a period of one year or until the issuance of a subsequent holiday greeting, whichever comes first, and warranty is limited to replacement of this wish or issuance of a new wish at the sole discretion of the wisher.
Thanks for reading!
Just wanted to thank everyone who's been reading my blog. Here's a PDF of the most recent analytics report since I began tracking:
Analytics Report
Thanks again everyone!
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Uh. Stress :(
Sitting in the Drama room, waiting for 7:00 to roll around. Until then, tempers will flare as most people have been at the school until 9:00PM for the Drama 30 shows. And there are 2 more nights to go. I'm scared of a few people right now, as I know that this is the time when things go wrong, and actors get upset.
Probably the most annoying and upsetting part for me was when last night during MY play, I was trying to listen to 3 things at once, and that resulted in me messing up the stage arrangement, which threw off the actors, directors, techs, and anyone else who knew what was supposed to happen. Thing is, under normal and less stressful moments, it would be laughed off, and no one would be upset about it. Thing is, I can't help but feel like the people involved are upset that it didn't work out, no matter how much they say its fine. Meh, it happened, and I'll live.
So now I've just got 3 more hours till the shows start, and 5 hours until I get home. And that goes on!
Tuesday: Tech till 9
Wednesday: Band concert till 10:30
Thursday: Tech till 8:30
Friday: CSC Orchestra till 8:30
Saturday: CSC Orchestra till 8:30
Sunday: CSC Orchestra till 9:00
Monday: Musical Theatre shows till ?
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Saturday, December 8, 2007
How cool is that?!?!
2 posts ago I was writing about how unfair things are, and I linked it to a CBC article (just click the post title). And since I've subscribed to have Technorati ping my blog for different info, my blog turned up on the CBC website! Just scroll down to the bottom of the right-hand sidebar, under Blogwatch. SO COOL!!!!!!
written by
Canadian Scouter
10:02 a.m.
Monday, December 3, 2007
C'mon people...
Write something in your blogs!!!
I'm getting bored of always seeing the same entries. Give me something, anything! I've got 8 blogs on my watchlist, and there hasn't been much action :(
Give me entertainment! :P
Sunday, December 2, 2007
All right, time for a rant that's been brooding in my mind for a LONG time.
So here's a story that's starting to bug me. Some school teacher in the Sudan allowed her class of 6 and 7 year olds to name a teddy bear "Muhammad". And so now she's facing 15 days of jail and deportation. People want her dead. The court hearing had police with full riot gear.
[Cut to next example]
On YouTube, I came across a video. Take a look:
Ok, so what was that about? Someone VERY CLEARLY and PURPOSEFULLY made that film. They made Jesus into a JOKE. They had him run over by a BUS. It wasn't someone's mistake, it was outright SLANDER.
And now reading all the comments, people are saying things like, "Oh c'mon, it's a joke!", and "Lighten up a little". I'm going to use a very applicable idea now, called a Venn Diagram.
You see what I'm getting at here? People get upset when someone slanders the Muslim religion, but Christians are told to accept it, to get over it, and to be a little light hearted.
What a bunch of BS.
Here's a few more examples:
Saturday, December 1, 2007
A review on Llyod's RollerRink
Well it certainly wasn't the greatest place in the world. Let's go over what I did.
We arrived at around 3:15 (on a Saturday), and as soon as I walked in, I had a headache. It was loud, busy, smelly, and the lights were flashing like some big rave party. Personally, I wanted to walk right back out the door, but I couldn't because we had just paid to get in. Might as well give it a chance, right?
Well I get my skates (in-line all the way!) strap them on, and jumped on the rink.
Now let me get this straight: It's fun to spend 3 hours rolling around on 8 wheels in a circle? Since when?
But I like roller blading, it's fun, but I couldn't enjoy it for 2 main reasons:
1) It was SO BLOODY BUSY!!! I was cut off by little kids too many times to count, and there's the people who think it's fun to push their friends off course, which happens to be YOUR course, and the little kids who like to weave around people, then suddenly stop. *Shakes cane*
2) The music was awful! Maybe I'm not "with it" in terms of music, but honestly, not a single song that I recongnized, or would make skating enjoyable. *Covers ears*
So yeah, I won't be going back. I will buy a pair of roller blades to use OUTSIDE though...
Have you ever been to Lloyd's? Leave a comment then (or leave a comment even if you haven't)